Archive for the ‘Macau’ Category

Leaving Hong Kong – Macau Bound

Friday, July 16th, 2010


We’ve loved Hong Kong – it’s a mad crazy busy but cool place.  No inch of space is wasted, but one of the best things is it’s really easy and quick to get around downtown as it’s so compact, yet you can escape to the beach or another island quite easily as well… that’s what we did today.  We went to Shek O after a friend’s (and local resident) recommendation, which is a small surfers type town with a nice beach.  Its wasn’t the cleanest beach but ok considering the location.  We had our time there interrupted by the occasional intense rain shower but it never mattered when we were in the water.

IMG_6538_web As you can see the Hurricane that is off Southern China has caused the early warning typhoon signals to be raised around Hong Kong but it doesn’t worry us unless it changes direction but we’re sure it’s not going to affect the boat back to the airport on Monday from Macau.

We’ve seen quite a lot of HK in our relatively short time – enough to really like it, but you’d have to have money to live here and a pretty decent job.  There’s shops in every inch of the city, and more shopping malls you can visit in a lifetime.  Admittedly many of them are of no interest to us, but there is an amazing choice of most things, and FAR more than you’d ever get back in the UK – from clothes, laptops, gizmos and everything else.

What’s good about HK is that it easy to escape, and as well as all the flash it’s quite easy to still get that sense of Asia with some backstreet stalls and markets.


But alas our time has come to and end in Hong Kong.  We’re getting the ferry for an hour to Macau tomorrow and living it up in a 5 star hotel next to the old town (although I doubt we’ll be eating there!).  Hopefully we’ll see some of the old town tomorrow, some of madness of the casinos at night, then chill out on the rooftop pool on Sunday before our Monday flight to New Zealand.

NZ has come round way too early for us and we’re far from ready for it.  We can’t decide what to do, where to live, but at 10am Wednesday morning I’ll be in a wee session finding out about bank accounts and tax numbers!  Eeek!  Never mind the 35c to 3c!  In just over two week’s time I’m spending a birthday weekend skiing with my Kiwi friend’s…..