My week in Aberdeen

As expected its taken me ages to get into things this week – still haven’t done the tax, printed pictures, written articles or sorted out all the stuff at my mum and dad’s……and tomorrow I need to be sorted to take all my outdoors gear to Edinburgh!
My laptop is out of action for at least a few weeks which is a major blow, but on the plus side, I think I should be able to cover my travel debts from various sources – yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
One of the bad things to find out this week was a hidden folder on my webmail containing suspected Spam…and several real emails across many months. It turns out I had unintentionally put all emails from hotmail on my blacklist! So sorry for not getting in touch with people when that was the case, sorry for not being so supportive after friends had bad news on an expedition, sorry for thinking you hadn’t kept in touch Tracy, sorry for missing your 30th, sorry to Tom for quietly cursing him for not getting in touch with a date to meet in Wanaka, I’m gutted I missed out on the Wish Party and the couch offered to me in Tokyo and all the rest!
Anyway I’ve loads to do….

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