Phonsavan and the Plain of Jars

I spent today in a bus for 8 hours travelling from Luang Prabang to Phonsavan to see the Plain of Jars. I’m not too fussed about this really, but I am passing through so couldn’t not go. I’m on my way to see some caves beside the Vietnam border where they hid during the American bombing campaign they are still picking up the pieces from. Around here there is still loads of unexploded ordnance being cleared, largely supported by MAG from the UK. I think I’m doing a whistle stop tour tomorrow, and head to a Mong village to see where they have made some houses from parts of ordnance.

I think I’m going to tortue myself and come back from the tour and straight onto a night bus to Nam Sua (maybe spelt incorrectly) to save me a day as I already feel badly short of time for stuff I want to do. I could easily kill a month in Laos!

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