Google Maps – Kota Kinabalu and dive sites

I’ve arranged a diving day on Monday just off the coast from KK. As I was looking into it I found this great site which integrates with google maps and shows KK and the surrounding Tunku Abdul Rahman park.

Manukan Reef was the area I was snorkelling around last week. The island shown above South Reef is Mamutik where the group stays for a week of their adventure phase. Raleigh obviously wasn’t there when the photograph was taken as you can’t see the waterproof tarp up when you zoom in! KK is pretty detailed as well but I can’t work out how to mark field base yet.

It still makes me more excited when I read the wannadive sections on Sipadan.

I’d love to fit in some diving on Labuan as there are great wrecks there, but time is making it look unlikely.

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