Day ‘off’

We pretty much have a day off tomorrow, but in reality, there’s never a day off here. We’re all off for some team building on Mamutik Island in the morning, and I can’t wait. It’s a beautiful small island with a stunning beach with pretty dense jungle, and where the team stay on their own (except 4 residents) during the diving part of the adventure phase. Apparently you hear the crabs, lizards etc when you crash out in your hammock. I’ll then pop into KK to buy some tobacco…. no mum, it’s for my boots. Apparently it’s good in your boots to keep the leeches away, but when the guys returned from Imbak and Danum they reckoned it was a load of bollocks.
There’s a bit more anticipation as the participants arrive the day after then all hell will break loose with 90+ young folk fresh off a plan and taken straight to jungle camp. With a bit of jet lag it’ll probably be carnage as they get taken through a lot by us, most of which will be a new experience for them – e.g. staying in the jungle, cooking outdoors, rigid hygiene methods that must be applied, and lots more.
I went out for the Sabah Tourism photo shoot last night which was really good fun. I couldn’t complain as I was being asked to top up my free glass of beer so it looked good in the photo. There were loads of laughs and smiles as it was all a bit surreal for us so there should be some cracking shots for them I hope.
Anyway, it’s late. I hope you like the pics I’ve just uploaded for previous posts.

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