First full day in Kabul

Just a short update just now.  All is well in Kabul.  I’ve tried to send a few text messages back home so if you haven’t got them, it’s going to be a network problem.  I’ve only received a couple of replies.

IMG_3798_web I had a superb day being toured around by people from the NGO we are visiting, explaining the training of locals in traditional building techniques, and a tour around a downtown restoration project where locals are almost fully employed restoring their traditional community buildings.  The man on the left was restoring a roof.


IMG_3818_web We then had a quick walk around the riverside market which was jut a hive of activity with all sorts of old crafts being performed such as a traditional blacksmith.  This image was one of a few guys sitting around drinking tea.  It was almost impossible to walk past them without taking their pictures as they insisted.


We finished up late so went straight to the US Embassy to play frisbee.  With the 1800m altitude (never mind the lack of exercise) affecting me greatly.  A quick meal and a few beers knocked off a very long and very tiring day, but one of the best experiences I’ve had in a long time.  I was in my element taking photographs all day, and the locals all wanted theirs taken, and to see it afterwards.

I’ll write more soon, but I had a fantastic day yesterday.

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